Jan Rozman: MEMEMEME

Stara mestna elektrarna - Elektro Ljubljana, SI

a performance based on the internet meme phonemenon

Maja Delak: Just for Today

dance performance
Stara mestna elektrarna Elektro Ljubljana, SI

seemingly slow instant composition, where the authors deliberately expose less visible, less obvious materiality, physicality, states

Jan Rozman: Thinging

Plesni teater Ljubljana, SI

addressing the issue of the connection between humans and environments and the threatening anthropo-ecological disaster

Irena Tomažin Zagoričnik: Moved by voice

composition for the voice and the body
Stara mestna elektrarna Elektro Ljubljana, SI

a continuation of her exploration of the relations between the body, voice and (physical, intimate, social, symbolic, spiritual) space

Image Snatchers presents: Matilda and Her Buns

solo burlesque performance
Klub Gromka, Ljubljana, SI

in her first independent project Mtilda would like to continue working on ordinary things and discover almost endless possibilities of metaphors that those things can offer