Tamara Polanc (SI): Ballet

SVŠGL - PGC, Ljubljana, SI

focus primarily on the natural, healthy, and correct alignment of the body and on coordination and musicality of movement

Petra Pikalo: Fusion

module of the lesson “Select It Yourself” – presentation of work-in-progress
SVŠGL - PGC, gledališko plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI

a practical presentation of different dance styles over time and in relation to contemporary creative dance

Talk no. 12: Katja Legin & Rok Vevar

series of disscusion of choreographic praxis
Pritličje, Ljubljana, SI

discussion about the practices, methods, and approaches that Katja has been developing since her MA studies and which she explored in her book /Dualisms: A Performer Prepares/, within collaborations and in No!training Lab

Simone Aughterlony: (NZ/CH/DE): Everything fits in the room

Plesni teater Ljubljana, SI

This workshop proposes a discussion around architectures for dwelling and practice, an inclusive methodology that locates ways in which we begin to navigate the un-governability of all elements and potentially disruptive information associated with the maintenance of juxtaposing energies.

Hahn Rowe (US): Sound in performance

workshop and public presentation
KC Španski borci, Ljubljana, SI

A one-day workshop is designed for choreographers/dancers and musicians/sound artists interested in examining the ways we view and implement sound in performance.

Dina Rončević: Car Deconstruction

workshop and performance
Srednja poklicna in strokovna šola Bežigrad, Ljubljana, SI

a durational performance and a workshop including the participation of girls aged ten to fourteen