Urška Vohar: THREE bitches, TWO planets, ONE rocket

physical theater
Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, SI

New production by Urška Vohar, THREE bitches, TWO planets, ONE rocket, is a satirical collection of diverse excerpts from the industries of culture and entertainment. Inherent in reality on a precipitous slope.

Ame Henderson & Matija Ferlin: The Most Together We've Ever Been

Plesni teater Ljubljana, SI

Absurd, hilarious, vital and critical. Since 2003, Public Recordings’ dance experiments have established that choreography can be the unbridled tension between what is known and what is emergent – while their performances have made the remarkable case that dance can change the way we understand everything.

Avant-premiere '14: The Invisible Body of Space

school production
Dvorana 28A, SVŠGL, Ljubljana, SI

Dance performance created by students of PSEGSL, Artistic grammar school, module: contemporary dance was inspired by the work of Laurence Louppe: The Poetics of Contemporary Dance.

Luka Prinčič: Interface fractures

a/v performance
Slovenska Kinoteka, Ljubljana, SI

Solo audio-visual performance deals with fractures, cracks and openings of contemporary medium - which is considered to be the multitude of interfaces between humans and machines.

Maja Delak: What If

solo performance
Stara mestna elektrarna Elektro Ljubljana, SI

What If is the second solo performance by choreographer Maja Delak. In 1995 she started her choreographoc career with a solo Manifestacija Introverta.


telematic performance
U3, MSUM, Ljubljana, SI

Transmittance#2, performed in June 2013 on triennial U3 in Ljubljana's Museum of contemporary art. Three hours performance is possible to follow live or on-line via http://transmittance.si, where audience could log in the chat room, interact with the performers and set the flow of the event.

Dance Solos 2013

school production
Stara mestna elektrarna Elektro Ljubljana, SI

4th Year Students of the Pre-School Education and Grammar School Ljubljana (dance department): A Room of One's Own - Evening of dance solos, generation 2012/13.

Image Snatchers

Klub Gromka, Ljubljana, SI

Event technoburlesque at the intersection of code and subjectivity is a dumb comedy of the body, which parodies the rigors of social roles; doing it so with plenty of music, images and movement.

Pre-premiere '13: A Room of One's own

school production
Stara mestna elektrarna Elektro Ljubljana, SI

The starting point for Pre-Première ’13, A Room of One’s Own, is Virginia Woolf’s 1929 essay of the same title, which is one of the most significant cultural-historical feminist literary works, as it was the first to articulate the demand for women’s right to spiritual, bodily, and intellectual integrity as well as the right to search for their own identity.