Sara Janašković (SI): Tripping, Channeling, Expanding

expanding the state of consciousness, connecting with oneself, feeling the other

Sara Janašković: Tripping, Channeling, Expanding


Well-being and undivided attention as a necessary predisposition. Sensitivity and expanded state of consciousness. Anchoring in the body and establishing a connection with oneself. Embrace every cell with our attention. Feel the other. Dialogue. A whisper of intuition. Pulsing inspiration. Let go of control, let go, trust. Live other realities. Solo, duet and group instant composition. These are some of the key topics we will be addressing. Through various tasks and methods of dance research, it strives to enable participants to indulge in the smooth flow of creation and experience an in-depth state where they can surprise themselves.


Sara Janašković is self-employed in culture as a dancer, choreographer and pedagogue and co-founder of the NEST institute, born in 1995 in Slovenia. She studied at the Secondary Preschool Education, Grammar School and Performing Arts Grammar School in Ljubljana (contemporary dance), in a two-year program for dancers and choreographers Performact in Portugal, and is currently completing her studies in dance and choreography at Alma Mater Europeaea in Ljubljana. In the process of developing his own artistic language, he explores the unlimited capabilities of the human body and expression, the potential of community, and cultivates a deep passion for dance improvisation.


SVŠGUL, Dance and theatre center, Kardeljeva ploščad 28 A, Ljubljana.


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Previous events

  1. , SVŠGUGL, Plesni in gledališki center, Ljubljana, SI
  2. , SVŠGUGL, Plesni in gledališki center, Ljubljana, SI
  3. , SVŠGUGL, Plesni in gledališki center, Ljubljana, SI
  4. , SVŠGUGL, Plesni in gledališki center, Ljubljana, SI
  5. , SVŠGUGL, Plesni in gledališki center, Ljubljana, SI
  6. , SVŠGUGL, Plesni in gledališki center, Ljubljana, SI
  7. , SVŠGUGL, Plesni in gledališki center, Ljubljana, SI