Matija Ferlin (HR): Un-education

dance workshop
Plesna šola Wolfy, Ljubljana

Workshop for dancers, performers, choreographers and all that are interested in movement research.

Maja Delak (SI): Imagery#1

2011 - 28.01.2011
creative workshop
Plesna šola Wolfy, Parmova 25, Ljubljana

Dancers, actors, non-professionals, vocalists, video artists, instrumentalists, performers, and all interested in the work are kindly welcome.

Matej Kejžar(SI/BE): Workshop for Young Dancers

dance workshop for young dancers (15-19) and public presetantion of workshop results
KC Španski borci, Ljubljana

For the students of secondary dance schools Khadans (Belgium) and SVŠGL - Pre-School Education and Grammar School (Slovenia)

Eric Dean Scott (US/SI): Workshop of Physical Theater

regular weekly workshop
KC Španski borci, Ljubljana

This is an ongoing training workshop for actors, dancers and performers that offers a space for performers to train physically and improvise on a regular basis in a group, and to develop performance ideas.