Maria de Duenas Lopez (ES): Functional Body

contemporary technique class
SVŠGL, gledališko-plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI

The class focuses on creating the skills and tools for the development of functional movement.

Jana Menger (SI): Class

dance technique
SVŠGL, gledališko-plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI

Dance class based on the physical preparation of the dancer and interpretation of dance material.

Leja Jurišić (SI): Performing States

SVŠGL, gledališko-plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI

The purpose of the workshop is to analyze, detect, recognize and feel personal movement or dance patterns and principles so that they can be broken through, bypassed and upgraded.

Manca Krnel (SI): Ballet

SVŠGL, gledališko-plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI

Ballet as mainly a discipline of the body, that gives the freedom to dance expression.

Talk no. 1: Leja Jurišić - Andreja Kopač

Series of discussions about choreographic practices
Pritličje, Ljubljana, SI

Discussion about choreographic practices will happen between dancer and choreographer Leja Jurišić and dramaturge and publicist Andreja Kopač.

Jurij Konjar (SI): Still

workshop of instant composition in duets
SVŠGL, gledališko-plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI

The principle and the vocabulary of »Still« build on working experience with Lisa Nelson and the Tuning Ensemble, focusing on Nelson's Tuning Practice.

Gregor Kamnikar (SI): Improvisation Workshop

SVŠGL, gledališko-plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI

In the manner of a play B-side we will raise some dust in order that this »what we are at« rearranges into some other »what we are at«.