"MOVED BY VOICE" In the workshop we will meet ourselves differently from how we know ourselves in everyday life through discovering many diverse voices that are kept in our body. We will go through the process of shifting the awareness towards inner listening and tuning in with our own emotional streams and body impulses. By listening closely we can get to know more deeply not only ourselves, but also our own voice material, expressions and songs already within us.
The voice workshop in June will focus on improvisation and on creating rhythmical patterns, compositions, melodies as well as songs. Whatever we do, whatever happens in our bodies – every gesture, exhale, tone in the voice … – has a rhythm. Every sound, word or utterance already has a tone and a melody. By bringing awareness to natural breath and to a relaxed alignment of the body, our focus will be to try and listen to – and hear – the voice we speak with daily; only when we are able to listen to and hear ourselves, are we able to start working with voice.
Irena Tomažin is a dancer, singer, and performer. She is the author of the project iT, which she presents at festivals in Slovenia and abroad. Tomažin is performing in the context of improvised electroacoustic music, with the Slovenian band Borghesia, and with many Slovenian and international musicians. In 2006, she won the Golden Bird Award, granted by the Liberal Academy, for her performances Caprice and Caprice (re)lapsed. Her performance The Taste of Silence Always Resonates has won the expert jury award and the audience award for best performance at the 2015 Gibanica Festival of Slovene Dance. Thus far, she has created seven evening-length performances. She gives workshops nationally and internationally.
Practical information
When and where
Second cycle of workshop will take place from 21 to 23 February 2020 by the following schedule:
Friday, 19.6.2020: 16.00-19.00
Saturday, 20.6.2020: 10.00-14.00
Sunday, 21.6.2020: 10.00-14.00
Address: Ex-teater, Resljeva cesta 3, Ljubljana, SI
Application fee
100 € per single cycle (11 hours)
Organisation: Emanat Institute
Previous events
- , Ex-teater, Resljeva cesta 3, Ljubljana, SI
- , Ex-teater, Resljeva cesta 3, Ljubljana, SI
- , Ex-teater, Resljeva cesta 3, Ljubljana, SI