KAMIZDAT is a Slovene netlabel born in 2006 and resurrected in 2013. It covers a broad horizon of genres while maintaining dedication to releases of local artists. Apart from free digital downloads (archive.org & bandcamp) it occasionally forays into releasing physical objects in limited editions sourced from, and collaboratively created by, local crafts-women and men. Our values are do-it-yourself ethos, local action, free software, environmental awareness and critical theory.

Ontervjabbit: 414

Kamizdat/Emanat, Ljubljana, SI

The rawest forms of  expression, the shrapnels of static pulling away from the surface noise.

Luka Prinčič: Sad Sam Lucky Outtakes

Kamizdat/Emanat, Ljubljana, SI

This music seems like a time machine with a finger on the pulse of today and staring back into industrial times.

Wanda & Nova deViator: Pacification

Klub Channel Zero, Ljubljana, SI

An album full of conrete thematic reflections and breaked electro with occasional excursion into trip-hop and IDM.