Croatian Theatre Awards for Sad Sam Matthäus and Matija Ferlin


Matija Ferlin: Sad Sam Matthäus Foto / Photo: Nada Žgank

On Thursday, 24 November 2022, the Croatian Theatre Awards 2022 took place at the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb, Croatia.

▶▶ The performance Sad Sam Matthäus, produced by Emanat Institute and Matija Ferlin and co-produced by Wiener Festwochen, CND Center national de la danse and Istarsko narodno kazalište - Gradsko kazalište Pula, received the Croatian Theatre Award for the best performance in the field of dance.

▶▶ Matija Ferlin received the Croatian Theatre Award for the best male role in the field of dance in the performance Sad Sam Matthäus.

Explanation of the awards: