Talk no. 14: Mala Kline & Nika Arhar

series of disscusion of choreographic praxis
Pritličje, Ljubljana, SI

emergence of potentiality and new worlds through dreaming, tuning in, contemplation, and accepting experience

Henry Montes (UK): Contemporary class

dance technique
SVŠGL - PGC, plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI

attuning ourselves to our internal environment and how space externally is a continuum of our breath and support

Andreja Rauch Podrzavnik (SI):

SVŠGL - PGC, plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI

executing and further expanding the tasks developed in the process of the project Duration

Talk no. 13: Jana Menger & Petra Tanko

series of disscusion of choreographic praxis
Pritličje, Ljubljana, SI

a coexistence of dichotomies as orientation points and their expressions in the collective and individual body