Ivan Mijačević (SI): Terpsihorean sonics

study of the sonic-kinesthetic resonance phenomenon

Ivan Mijačević foto/photo by: Sunčan Stone


WHAT: Terpsichorean sonics offers an insight in music from dancer's point of view and dance improvisation and composition tools in relation to it. It develops musicality and is suitable for beginners, as well as experts, of all dance  genres.

HOW: By studying the sonic-kinesthetic resonance phenomenon in both, spontaneous and analytical processes of discovering and exploring new, as well as developing existing skills based on auditory, visual, tactile, proprioceptic and cognitive observation of self, others and enviroment, as well as structured dance-improvisational tasks mounted in Judson Dance Theatre technologies research that relies on comparison of basic musical approaches, defined in western modern music theory, with somatic experience and characteristics of human movement, defined in Laban/Bartnieff Movement Studies.


Ivan Mijačević, creator, performer and a pedagogue in the fields of music and performative arts, is a member of artistic collectives danceCO, inability crew, SZ3, Two Kings and a French Town and
con/temporary choreo-graphix. He collaborated and performed with D. Alfirević, M. Bučar, M. Danoch, K. Duck, J. Fabrom, K. Legin, K. Lorenci, M. Kejžar, M. Kokol, L. Nelson, S. Premuš, I. Relulecke, among others, and taught a seminar  about music and dance relationship at S.E.A.D. (Salzburg Experimental Academy for Dance), University for music and performative arts in Frankfurt, University for music and dance Koln, Academy for music and dance Jerusalem, Academy for dance in Ljubljana, World sport dance union, Carmina Slovenica, Tanzfabrik Berlin, Yasmeen Godder Studio, and other institutions.


The workshop will take place at PSEGSL / SVŠGL, Kardeljeva ploščad 28 A.


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Previous events

  1. , SVŠGL - PGC, plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI
  2. , SVŠGL - PGC, plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI
  3. , SVŠGL - PGC, plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI
  4. , SVŠGL - PGC, plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI
  5. , SVŠGL - PGC, plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI
  6. , SVŠGL, gledališko-plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI
  7. , SVŠGL, gledališko-plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI
  8. , SVŠGL, gledališko-plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI
  9. , SVŠGL, gledališko-plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI
  10. , SVŠGL, gledališko-plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI
  11. , SVŠGL, gledališko-plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI