Peekaboo Pointe (USA): Burlesque Act Development 2-day Intensive04.11.2023 Studio Dansa, Vilharjeva cesta 3, 1000 Ljubljanaburlesque act - from an idea to the performance
PLENVM (AT): Voguing Fem – Nonbinary Performance03.11.2023 Studio Dansa, Vilharjeva cesta 3, 1000 Ljubljanafive elements of voguing against the background of non-traditional ballroom music
Leo Rafolt: Sad Sam Matthäus between execution and archive07.11.2022 Preddverje Linhartove dvorane, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, SIlecture
Alvilda Faber Striim (DK): Fluidity, dynamics, danceability07.11.2022 SVŠGUGL, Plesni in gledališki center, Ljubljana, SIflowing movement, dynamics and danceability
Maja Kalafatić (SI): Tune, adjust, modulate24.10.2022 SVŠGUGL, Plesni in gledališki center, Ljubljana, SIarticulation of the body and the relationship to the space inside and outside the body
Snježana Premuš (SI): Touchable Silences20.10.2022 SVŠGUGL, Plesni in gledališki center, Ljubljana, SIembody/understand the center/periphery relationship more deeply
Liza Šimenc (SI): Body of Presence29.09.2022 SVŠGUGL, Plesni in gledališki center, Ljubljana, SIballet
Urša Sekirnik (SI, ES): Push to Move19.09.2022 SVŠGUGL, Plesni in gledališki center, Ljubljana, SIthrust as the engine for movement