Illuminating the july event scene


MatijaFerlin-Sad_sam_Matthaus Foto / Photo: Aleš Rosa

Dear emanations,

with the last atoms of strenght we illuminate the event scene by repeating our productions and organizing events before going on holiday for a couple of weeks and focusing on our own inner impulses of creativity and making a reflection of the past season.

In July, the play Sad Sam Matthäus will be presented to the Austrian audience between 9 and 11 July. as part of the Wiener Festwochen. Luka Prinčič will open the V-F-X festival with an audio-visual performance The Kamizdat team will accompany us in the summer with the celebration of the Net Label Day on July 14, and the release of the compilation Access Frame: Monstrosity.

We just need a few sighs to be able to reveal to you our fall activities that will be fruitful, as befits that time of year. If you are going to a colorful destination in July or August, we recommend a postcard. You can find our address here.