Magdalena Reiter (PL/SI): Contemporary dance Technique
The classes are physical and the emphasis is on body alignment.
Carried out by the Secondary Preschool Education, Grammar School and Performing Arts Grammar School Ljubljana (SPEGSPAGSL), the programme of the all-year-round training course in the field of contemporary dance is designed for all professional and semi-professional dancers who:
Training and workshops are open also to all who would like to attend selected sessions or workshops.
The programme enables directed, continuous, high-quality, and systematic work with younger dancers who are interested in pursuing professional careers in the field of contemporary dance, who want to gain additional knowledge and improve their dance techniques, or want to maintain their dance stamina. Programme operator: Pre-School Education and Grammar School Ljubljana with partner Emanat Institute.
The programme Practicum in Contemporary Dance Art is an all-year-round training course in the area of contemporary dance. It is carried out as regular classes in dance technique held from 10.10.2023 untill 6.6.2024 by the following schedule:
Tuesday and Thursday // 17.00-18.30 // Contemporary dance technique or Ballet or Workshop
The programme is carried out at the Dance and theater center of Secondary Preschool Education, Grammar School and Performing Arts Grammar School Ljubljana, Kardeljeva ploščad 28 A, Ljubljana. Map >>
The programme Practicum in Contemporary Dance Art is self-funded, but designed as a testing territory for a formation of the most appropriate format for education in this field in the future.
Apply via e-mail: to get further instructions.
The classes are physical and the emphasis is on body alignment.
The principle and the vocabulary of »Still« build on working experience with Lisa Nelson and the Tuning Ensemble, focusing on Nelson's Tuning Practice.
In the manner of a play B-side we will raise some dust in order that this »what we are at« rearranges into some other »what we are at«.
Training and challenging the way we dance.
Ballet is adapted to the needs of contemporary dance.
The workshop is based on developing three principles: That's it. Nothing more; Three roles; and Gibberish.
Terpsichorean Sonics opens an insight to music from a perspective of a dancer.
Dance class that combines release technique with basic elements of yoga, ideokinesiology and flying-low technique.
Time & Space Remixed, a re-dance class which deals with shapes while going through various dance practices.