Gregor Kamnikar (SI): Improvisation Workshop
In the manner of a play B-side we will raise some dust in order that this »what we are at« rearranges into some other »what we are at«.
In the manner of a play B-side we will raise some dust in order that this »what we are at« rearranges into some other »what we are at«.
Training and challenging the way we dance.
Ballet is adapted to the needs of contemporary dance.
The workshop is based on developing three principles: That's it. Nothing more; Three roles; and Gibberish.
Terpsichorean Sonics opens an insight to music from a perspective of a dancer.
Dance class that combines release technique with basic elements of yoga, ideokinesiology and flying-low technique.
Time & Space Remixed, a re-dance class which deals with shapes while going through various dance practices.
Dance workshop for children between 3 and 5 years and between 6 and 9 years. In the season 2014/15 the workshops are taking place in Puppet theater Ljubljana.
A workshop by performer and author of traditional folk songs Svetlana Spajić, Serbian artist, who recently performed in the work by the famous theatre director Robert Wilson, an homage to Marina Abramović.