Gregor Kamnikar (SI): Improvisation Workshop

SVŠGL, gledališko-plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI

In the manner of a play B-side we will raise some dust in order that this »what we are at« rearranges into some other »what we are at«.

Gregor Luštek (SI): Hearing dance

five-day dance workshop
SVŠGL, gledališko-plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI

The workshop is based on developing three principles: That's it. Nothing more; Three roles; and Gibberish.

Ivan Mijačević (SI): Terpsichorean Sonics

workshop on the relations of music and dance
SVŠGL, gledališko-plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI

Terpsichorean Sonics opens an insight to music from a perspective of a dancer.

Urška Vohar (SI): Second Step

dance technique and workshop
SVŠGL, gledališko-plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI

Dance class that combines release technique with basic elements of yoga, ideokinesiology and flying-low technique.

Matej Kejžar (SI/BE): Space & Time Remixed

tehnika in delavnica
SVŠGL, gledališko-plesna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI

Time & Space Remixed, a re-dance class which deals with shapes while going through various dance practices.

Barbara Kanc (SI): Little Danceroom (2014/15)

workshop for children in season 2014/15
Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana, SI

Dance workshop for children between 3 and 5 years and between 6 and 9 years. In the season 2014/15 the workshops are taking place in Puppet theater Ljubljana.