Jasmina Križaj

Jasmina Križaj (1982) was born in Maribor, Slovenia. She graduated on De Theaterschool, School for New Dance Development in 2006. Before her study she worked with known and established Slovene choreographs. In Amsterdam she started creating her own work for which she achieved a lot of success. Already in 2005 her solo Cross My Desert with That Cheap Talk You've Set was selected for a Batard Festival in Brussels, Belgium. For her next performance Zebra in the Hair Saloon she has received the 1st award as a best new creation on the Act Festival in Bilbau, Spain in 2006. During her study she worked with a variety of international choreographs (B. Degn, J-H. Youn, U. Vohar, N. Llopis Segarra, S-J. Seo, M. Roig,...). In 2007 she created a new project under production house Plesna Izba Maribor, V senci prestiža. In 2009 she realized her first independent project Sugar Rush, which was supported by European Cultural Foundation ECF in Amsterdam. In the beginning of the year 2010 she gained a certificate for teaching David Zambranos’ “flaying low” and “passing through” technique (50 days with David Zambrano in Costa Rica).